A-Exportwas founded in the ’80s during the economic boom and specialised in importing and exporting raw materials in the household appliances field. The company focused on selling spare parts of all brands.
A-Export has become one of the Italian leading companies in the spare parts market over the years, thanks to the expertise and commitment of the founders.
The first collaborations involved nearby countries such as Slovenia, Serbia and Monenegro (former Yugoslavia).
Then, the portfolio expanded to European countries: Austria, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Great Britain, etc.
A-Export has been able to detect and interpret its customers’ needs over the past years and has been expanding its range of products, including household appliances and spare parts by all important brands in Europe.
Nowadays A-Export is able to grant an excellent service to its customers thanks to the commitment and expertise of Alessandro and his father before him.
A shop was opened in Tavagnacco in 2015, which specialised in selling mid-range and high-end household appliances. The purpose was to stand out in a crowd of big chains and offering a high-quality service during the purchase and after-sales assistance.
The shop in Tavagnacco (UD) is not only specialised in selling household appliances, but also in designing and manufacturing custom kitchens of any kind, thanks to our personnel’s skills.
In 2019 A-Export decided to focus on going online, starting by renewing the logo and investing in a far-sighted and innovative strategy. The company managed to merge innovation with its historical values of commerce and ethics, offering new tools to its customers.
A-Export s.r.l. Numero di iscrizione al RAE IT16050000009330 C.F. P.IVA 01520650308 - Capitale Sociale € 50.960,00 interamente versato
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